
Start with a proof of concept

Don’t stumble on your first step – prove your concept’s viability with Gorrion!

Let's start now!

If you’re here, it means you have a great idea for a software product. But are you sure it’s actually doable?

In software development, a proof of concept demonstrates that an idea is feasible – meaning that your approach, technology, or design will deliver expected results, both for you and the users. It’s the one and only way to verify if your product is worth the investment before you do any development.

Proof of concept

Do I need a proof of concept?

However great your idea for a product is, before you go in head first, start with a proof of concept. We’ve seen it time and time again – something looks great on paper, but underdelivers in real life. We can analyze if your product makes sense from business, technical, and user perspective.

I’m introducing a new feature

So you have a functioning product, but you’d like to enrich it with a new feature that will take time and money to develop. Before you do, you should first see how this new piece fits with the rest and if it actually excites the users as much as it does you. That’s something a PoC will help you with.

I’m trying something complex

The easiest way to deal with complex problems is to break them into manageable pieces and go from there. By testing all the parts separately in a proof of concept you’ll avoid a situation where one crooked cog breaks the whole machine.


I’m trying something risky

Before you commit to spending time and money on a risky business, try it on a smaller scale. It will help you uncover potential obstacles and roadblocks, or even find better solutions instead! In any case, you’ll know what to watch out for.

Something risky

I want to integrate my solutions

If your software needs to be integrated with other systems, services, or APIs, you better test it in theory before trying it on production! In this case, our PoC will focus on the compatibility of the solutions and possible workarounds that you may need.

I want to test different variants

You have more than one idea for a solution, but you don’t know which to choose? That’s a great opportunity for testing! Instead of writing off one idea entirely, or investing in both, try a proof of concept with both to gain insights and make an informed decision.

Is that you?

Then we can help you deliver a proof of concept that validates your project’s technical and business feasibility, identifies potential issues, and demonstrates alternatives.

Show me how!

You need a proof of concept – here’s why!

Convince investors

What would make you more likely to invest in a product? Hearing about the idea, or seeing proof that it can work? A PoC gives you a better standing with investors and will help you secure funding for your new venture. It signals to them that your project is not only well-thought out, but also manageable.

Save time

Imagine you haven’t done a PoC and at some point you find out the technology you invested in doesn’t work or the feature you’re developing doesn’t appeal to the users. You’re back to the drawing board – regardless of how much progress you’ve already made, you’ll have to start again.


Live and learn

Because a proof of concept carries such a low risk, it creates a safe space to experiment with new technologies, approaches, or ideas you would otherwise be hesitant to try. This encourages a learning and innovative mindset within the development team.

Live and learn

Save money

When you find out your idea isn’t technically feasible, it often leads to refactoring or rewriting your code. This is not just time-consuming, but costly as well. The money you spent on development is lost and now you have to invest even more in the corrections.

Be prepared

A proof of concept tells you not only if your idea will work or not, but also what challenges you might run into down the line or if these challenges outweigh the benefits of that solution. This will help you prep the right strategy for future development.

This is how we do it!

1. Tell us about your project

First, we need to learn more about your project. Depending on how much certainty you have around your product, you’ll either meet with our sales team or we’ll run workshops to learn everything there is.

2. We define the scope

Based on that knowledge, we’ll define the scope of the PoC. We’ll formulate the questions that need answering, and decide whether we should build a prototype, a snippet of code, do UX research, etc.

3. We select the team

Knowing what we need to do and roughly how much time it will take, we can select our team. It will usually comprise a product owner, designer, and a developer, but that varies from project to project.

4. We run the PoC

We have one rule for running PoCs: they should involve the least number of people and the least amount of time possible. This way we make sure we won’t burn through your money unnecessarily.

5. We present our findings

After that, we're ready for “the final verdict.” We discuss what worked and what makes business and/or technical sense. We also give recommendations and provide estimates for the MVP.

6. We discuss possible paths forward

With all that information, the decision’s up to you! Do you want to build a full-scale product or start with an MVP? We’ll help you plan the best way forward for your project.

Ready to take the first step?

Don’t stumble! We’ll guide you through the entire PoC using our expert knowledge and years of experience.

Let's go!

Success Stories

Success story

Flex Alert

The application ready for the load of 40 million users

Web App

UX/UI Design

Customer Software

Success story

Deep Sync Labs

Setting your start-up for a win



Code review

App development

Success story


Software in service of more sustainable future

Web App

UX/UI Design


AWS Lambda

AWS Amplify


AWS Cognito

