You have an idea for a product, but you don't know where to begin with? Don't worry. We got your back. Believe it or not, many entrepreneurs have the same problem. They worry that they will not predict everything or ask the right questions. Luckily, we have a solution for that.
how to get started
what is going on in the early stages
why do we have to know your budget
what do you get after different steps of the process
what if you need an investor
what is inside our brief and why we use it
why do we ask so many questions and do you have to know the answers to them all
With this ebook, you will get all the necessary information before you start working with a team. You will find the answers to the burning questions and learn about the initial digital product development phases. Basically, we give you everything you need to get off to a good start. You will get to understand the process and its stages better, which will make the cooperation smoother. Also, by clarifying the information, you get a chance to figure everything out and prepare yourself accordingly. In other words, when it'll come to the meeting, you'll know what to ask about and what to expect from the team.
Unless you live under a rock, you surely have noticed that the tech industry is going through quite a rough patch right now. By September 2023, the number of people laid off by tech companies has already surpassed the total for 2022, reaching approximately 233,000, as reported by
I would like to show you some good patterns of building React.js components, that make building front-end smooth and quick. Let’s get started!
In a wild-goose chase towards better time to market some companies lose sight of why it’s even a relevant metric. In this article we explain what it is, how it’s measured, how it affects your software product, and give you 3 good and 2 bad ways of improving time to market.